There are nine species of bats that live in Michigan. All of them are nocturnal (active at night), and feed on insects, including moths, beetles, and mosquitoes. Some of these bats hibernate, or go into hiding, in the winter months when they do not have as many insects to eat.
There’s a lot to know about these fascinating creatures! They can be found in nearly every ecosystem on earth, and have been a key part of the food chain since the beginning of time.
In the United States there are 43 bat species, more than half of which are rare or endangered. The majority of bats in the country are insect-eating species, and the only two species that prey on humans are vampire bats in South America.
Aside from being beautiful, fascinating animals, bats have a number of important roles to play in nature. They eat pests that can transmit disease, protect plants and pollinate them, help disperse seeds in tropical forests, and act as natural insect control systems in agricultural areas.
They are also a major source of nutrition for birds, which can be a great benefit to local wildlife and the ecosystem as a whole.
These little creatures aren’t only cute and furry, they’re also extremely intelligent and able to communicate with one another in the wild. As such, they’re a very important part of the animal kingdom in our state.
Among the most common bat species are the big brown and small brown bats, both of which live in southern Michigan. They roost in buildings like houses, barns, and even caves as well as in other types of structures.
The biggest problem with bats is that they can be carriers of rabies Michigan’s Bat Expert and other diseases. They also leave a dangerous substance called guano behind that can damage your property and contaminate the air with fungi.
If you suspect you have a bat infestation, contact the experts at Precision Wildlife Removal right away. They have years of experience and training to humanely remove bats and prevent their return.
What Are the Symptoms of Bat Infestation?
A few of the signs of a bat infestation are chirping or scratching noises, smelly droppings in the attic and on your walls, and an increase in flies, which they often catch while hunting for food. Besides causing health problems, bats can cause damage to insulation and even ruin paint.
How Do I Get Rid of a Bat Colony?
If you’ve found bats roosting in your attic or on the roof of your home, it’s time to call a professional. They’ll be able to identify the type of bat you have and perform a proper exclusion of the colony.
When you decide to hire a professional, it’s important to make sure they are licensed and insured. This will ensure that you are getting quality service, and that the job is done in a safe manner.
Moreover, you’ll want to get rid of the bats as quickly as possible, before they can cause additional damage to your home or contaminate your air with fungi. This is especially true if you have kids and pets that spend a lot of time in your home or yard.